Monday, October 30, 2006


The country, specifically the northern part of Luzon(thus, including my beloved Bulacan)is ravaged by another super typhoon. Typhoon "Paeng" it seems is a lot strongger than Typhoon Milenyo that caused massive damaged to lives and property in the entire Luzon and Visayan area.

How bad can things get?

Well we cannot totally say as of yet. But there is indeed positive effects of disasters. No I am not crazy for saying this. With the devastation of typhoon Milenyo the government had taken a more positive, pro-active course of action in dealing with typhoons.

It is just a shame that for a country visited by an average of 30 typhoons annually we had not come up with a ready response action towards typhoon.

I reallly hope we do learn how to deal with these natural phenomenon and not forgetting the lessons we lean.

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